
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Earthlink Debuts Corporate Blog

Steve Rubel Contributing Writer 2005-01-17
Earthlink, a major ISP, today debuted its first corporate weblog. The TypePad-powered ...... blog site provides information to help consumers stay safe while they're surfing the Web. Chris Brandon, the blog's Managing Editor, wrote in an email to me ... "This is a brand new endeavor for us, and we're doing it to communicate with customers and non-customers in a new way. We also think it can play an important role in building our brand as the online advocates." Wow. That's great. Can I get an ayyyymen? The Earthlink blog - at - has comments and trackbacks turned off, at least for now. Too bad. However, it does at least have an RSS feed and the site is written in human speak by real individuals, not in corporate-speak. Congrats to Earthlink for joining the blogosphere and doing it properly.View All Articles by Steve Rubel
About the Author: Steve Rubel is a PR strategist with more than 10 years of public relations, marketing, journalism and communications experience. He currently serves as Vice President, Client Services at CooperKatz & Company, a mid-size PR firm in midtown New York City. Rubel evangelizes the application of Weblogs and RSS in traditional public relations campaigns.

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