
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Kiddie Cell Phones Are All The Rage

Ok, so your 8-year-old wants a cell phone. Don't think your 8-year-old needs a cell phone? You don't have to fight with them, fight with the cell phone companies. As cell phones have become an integral part of the tech industry with a lot of features, including search and email and instant messaging, cell phone marketers feel the 8-12 year-old market is the wave of the future.

Nokia has already gotten a Barbie cell phone with Mattel. Other companies have such products in development. Firefly mobile already has a phone on the market either online or at Target, running for $100. TicTalk also has a phone out for kids as well, starting at $100. These phones do come with some parental controls but many groups none to pleased with putting the cell phones in the hands of children.

Several news sources across the country have been running stories recently on schools banning cell phones as distractions and methods of cheating, at least during class time. They've also reported on banning the phones from elementary schools because most administrators feel if information is needed to be given to a student, then they can go through the traditional routes available

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