
Saturday, August 03, 2013

Cheap Cellular Phones

Not everyone can afford name brand expensive phones or the expensive data and service plans that often accompany this sort of phone. For some it just doesn't fit within their current budget or perhaps they would rather save and spend the money on something they will get more enjoyment out of. It is impossible in our modern culture to forgo having a cellular phone completely. Fortunately, if you are in need of a cheap cellular phone there are a wide variety of cheap cellphones with affordable services available.

Evaluate Your Needs
The first step towards figuring out which cheap cellular phone is right for you is to evaluate your needs. If you work in business or a job in which you need constant email access you are going to need a different sort of phone than someone who wishes to have a cellphone for just making calls or texting. Phones with the ability to send and receive emails will usually be slightly more expensive and will usually come with a data plan which costs a little extra money. There are still many phones with the option to email that are affordable. In addition to figuring out what features are essential for you to have with your cellphone it is a good idea to set a maximum price you want to pay for a cellular phone this will also help to narrow down your selection of options.

Prepaid Cellular Phones
One option which is capable of saving large quantities of money is opting to buy a prepaid cellphone. Prepaid cellphones can usually be purchased for relatively cheap and with a variety of options. If you rarely use a cellphone a prepaid plan is by far the best option. With a prepaid cellular phone there is usually a small minimum amount of minutes that can be purchased and this minimum will cost next to nothing. Many prepaid plans also offer the option of pre-purchasing data making a prepaid cellular phone a good option for those that need access to the internet as well. If your cellular phone usage is greater than a certain amount per month a prepaid phone will end up costing you more than going with a contract based plan with one of the larger providers. The best way to determine if a prepaid phone is right for you is to try to determine your cellular phone usage per month and then based off of that determine whether prepaid or contract is the best option for you.

Contract Cellular Phones
If you choose to go with a big cell provider and buy a monthly plan there a fortunately a few ways to still obtain a cheap cellular phone. Many cell providers offer deals sometimes even including free cellphones if you make a one or two year contract. At the very least cell providers often offer cell phones at a discounted price to their customers. Another way to save money and get a cheap cellular phone is to buy used. The cellular phone industry is also changing rapidly making this years hot phone  already outdated by the next year. Last years model of cellular phone can often be picked up for a very small price. Most cellular service providers will allow you to add a used phone to your plan, but it is good to double check this before purchasing a used phone.

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